Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan is going to celebrate his birthday today on 2nd September. His fans are very excited and they are busy in the arrangement. But a major tragedy which occurred at the 7th Mile in Santhipuram, Chittoor district tonight has broken the heart of everyone. According to the latest update, three Power Star Pawan Kalyan fans died after being electrocuted while erecting Gabbar Singh star’ 25 feet birthday banner. It is also being heard that four fans of actor and politician are battling for life as they are in a critical condition. The injured people have been rushed to PES Medical College in Kuppam.
After hearing this news, Pawan Kalyan released a statement that read: This is a tragedy beyond words. I can understand the heartbreak of their family members who cannot get back their sons. From now on, I will be their son. I will offer the financial assistance to them.
Pawan Kalyan also requested the local leaders to offer the best treatment to the three other Janasainiks who are injured in the incident.
Pawan Kalyan’ Jana Sena Party has announced a relief of Rs 2 lakh to the kin of the deceased. The deceased have been identified as 30 years old Somasekhar, his brother 32 years old Rajendra and their friend 28 years old Arunachalam.
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