It is known that an unfortunate incident took place at the 7th Mile in Santhipuram, Chittoor district. Three fans of Pawan Kalyan died due to touching live wire while they are trying to erect a flexi on the occasion of Pawan Kalyan’s birthday. 40-feet Flexi is being erected and in the process, an unfortunate incident happened. Four fans are battling for their lives at PES Medical College, Kuppam.
Reacting to the unfortunate incident Pawan Kalyan has said that his heart is broken. He has announced 2 lakhs in support of the deceased families. He asked Janasainiks to foresee financial aid to the bereaved families.
Other mega heroes Ram Charan has announced 2.5 lakhs to each family of the three mega fans. Allu Arjun has announced 2 Lakhs financial aid.
Even Pawan Kalyan producers, Sri Venkateswara Creations, Mega Surya Productions, Mythri Movie Makers have announced Rs. 2 lakhs each to the bereaved families as financial aid.
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