The other day it has been reported that top actress Pooja Hegde has been chosen as the female lead for Nithiin‘s upcoming film Andhadhun remake but the actress has decided not to do the movie and rejected it. There have been several rumors regarding Pooja Hegde’s rejection. Few rumor mongers have decided to speculate false news against her and started spreading that Akhil is behind Pooja’s rejection.
But the truth is that the decision is taken by Pooja alone and the reason behind her rejection is her busy schedules.
Pooja Hegde is one of the busiest actresses in India right now. She already had a packed schedule. She is playing the female lead in Prabhas’s Radhe Shyam and also she is to complete Akhil’s Most Eligible Bachelor.
Pooja Hegde is also the heroine in Salman Khan’s Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. With a handful of projects, Pooja Hegde couldn’t allocate the dates in 2021. So she has to reject the offer.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood