Rajasekhar has got a new lease of life in his career with the movie PSV Garuda Vega. The film is such a surprising hit from the once action hero. Though he scored a flop with Kalki, Rajasekhar is lining up interesting projects in this pandemic situation. According to the latest update, Rajasekhar has confirmed his next project. He will be working with award-winning director Neelakantha.
Critically acclaimed director Neelakantha has won awards with the movies Missamma and Show. His last movie was 2004 released Maaya which ended up as unsuccessful. After all these years, Neelakantha is giving a comeback. Though he has directed Queen remake That Is Mahalakshmi starring Tamannah, he left the project mid-way due to creative differences with the producers. However, another director came on board and completed the project.
Neelakantha – Rajasekhar film will be officially announced in the coming days.
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