Rana Daggubati is all set to tie the knot to Miheeka Bajaj on 8th August at Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. Ahead of their big fat wedding, the photographs from the mehendi ceremony have surfaced online and have gone viral. The wedding preparation is on in full swing. The guests for Rana Daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj’ wedding are quite limited. Now the reports are coming that Suresh Babu and his family are sending special VR set invites to the extended family members so that they can watch the wedding in a realistic manner as the guest list has been kept limited.
The wedding of Rana and Miheeka will be held in the open lawns of the Ramanaidu Studios to avoid any sort of Coronavirus scare. The wedding will take place as Marwari and Telugu traditions.
The love birds- Rana and Miheeka got engaged in May this year. The wedding was initially planned to take place in the month of December, however, it was eventually advanced to August.
On the work front, Rana Daggubati has two projects in his kitty. His immediate release will be the thriller Haathi Mere Saathi, which will be released in Tamil and Telugu as Kaadan and Aaranya, respectively. He is also the part of Sai Pallavi starrer Virata Parvam.
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