Ashmita Karnani mostly works in Telugu serials. She has acted in more than 15 serials and films in the Telugu film industry. Ashmita made her television debut in a Telugu serial Padmavyuham and also acted in films such as Murari, Aapadhamokkulavaadu, Apudapudu, Madhumasam, Athithi and Collecter gari Bharya. Recently there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Ashmita Karnani is going to enter the Bigg Boss 4 Telugu house as a contestant.
But Ashmitha Karnani took to Instagram to shut down rumors of participating in the upcoming season of Bigg Boss Telugu, which is going to be hosted by Akkineni Nagarjuna.
Recently the actress Ashmitha Karnani interacted with her fans on the photo-sharing app and when one of the users asked her if she is a part of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu, to which she replied, “Hahhha nope! I really dunno how this thing Started.” In another post, Murari actress said that she would never step into the reality show Bigg Boss house if she cannot take her husband and pet dog along with her.
We have already reported that Tharun and Shraddha Das Tarun, Shraddha Das have also refused to be a part of season 4 on controversial reality show Bigg Boss.
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