Super Star Mahesh Babu will be celebrating his birthday on August 9th. Mahesh fans have been trending hashtags on social media and they are planning something big on their favorite hero’s birthday. However, Super Star Mahesh Babu sensed that and requested his fans not to indulge in any public gathering celebrating his birthday. He posted a note both in Telugu and English where he said that he is blessed to be loved by many. “I truly remember all the good deeds you do in making my birthday so special. We are fighting a global pandemic and social gathering is a big no. So I request my fans not to indulge in any big celebrations” he requested in a note.
It is known that Mahesh Babu is going to play the lead role in the movie titled Sarkaru Vaari Paata in the direction of Parasuram Petla. A voice glimpse will be released on the 9th from the movie.
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