It is known news that Young Tiger Jr NTR has teamed up with Trivikram Srinivas for an upcoming project which revolves around a treasure hunt. Though there is no any official confirmation but there is a strong buzz in the south film industry that the film may have Jr NTR going on a treasure hunt in the Ala Vaikunthapurramloo director’s upcoming film. The reports are coming that Trivikram Srinivas will be getting Rs 20 Cr and on the other side Jr NTR is going to get 40 Crores and profit shares for this upcoming untitled film.
Currently Trivikram Srinivas is basking in the glory of his recent offering ‘Ala Vaikuntapuramloo’ starring Stylish Star allu Arjun and Pooja hegde, which was released on the occasion of Sankranthi and registered huge numbers at the Box Office. So all the A-lister actors are luring the director to make a film for them. And all the producers want to make a film with this magical director by offering him hefty pay cheque even in this corona virus crisis.
Meanwhile Jr NTR is working with SS Rajamouli for RRR, which is slated to hit the theaters next year. The big budget entertainer is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya and it has the music by MM Keeravani.
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