After delivering Baahubali series, Young Rebel Star Prabhas has become one of the biggest stars in Indian Cinema. His fans are expecting him to deliver big blockbusters at a Pan India level. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Prabhas and Bhushan Kumar have decided to team up again, after Saaho and Radhe Shyam. The big budgeted film will be a mythological drama, based on an episode from the pages of Indian mythology. The upcoming mythological drama of Prabhas is expected to go on the floor after the release of Nag Ashwin’ directorial venture which has Deepika Padukone in the female lead.
The sources say that Prabhas has signed a big Bollywood project, released in South Indian languages as well. Prabhas was offered a massive mythological drama, based on Indian folklore. It’s an action packed period drama that will be a page from Indian history and mythology. When Bhushan Kumar contacted Prabhas, the actor loved the idea because this film is touted to be made on the lines of a Baahubali franchise.
Meanwhile Prabhas is working with Radha Krishna Kumar of Jil fame for the upcoming romantic entertainer Radhe Shyam which has Pooja Hegde in the female lead role. Bollywood actress Bhagyashree is playing Prabhas’ mother in this big budget film.
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