Aakashavaani is an upcoming Telugu film, which is generating a lot of interest among the movie lovers because of its producer and director. Ashwin Gangaraju, a product of the Ramanaidu film school dis debuting as the director with this film. In fact, 90 per cent of the film Aakashavaani’ cast are newcomers. Now according to the latest update, Aakashavaani is an inspiration of SS Rajamouli’ film Eega in which Samantha Akkineni and Natural Star Nani played the lead role. The sources close to the makers of Aakashavaani revealed that in this film a radio will take revenge on the antagonist Samuthirakani. Let’s wait and see if this speculation turns out to be true!
Ashwin Gangaraju is a fine example of how film schools benefit aspiring filmmakers. He completed his engineering and was getting comfortable with his job in the software industry when his increasing inclination towards film direction and screenplay writing drove him to quit his job and seek admission at Ramanaidu Film School. Thereafter, he was handpicked by Rajamouli during his second semester after which he was moved as an assistant director for Eega and Baahubali.
Ashwin Gangaraju had before worked toward the path branch of Rajamouli. The film Aakashavaani has the music by MM Keeravani’s Son Kala Bhairava.
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