It is known that Tollywood actor Rana Daggubati is marrying his long time friend Miheeka Bajaj on August 8th. It is reported earlier that the wedding will take place in Taj Falaknuma Palace and many guests from the Tollywood and other industries are invited. However, the latest news turns out to be that no one from any industry is being invited. Rana-Miheeka’s wedding is purely a family affair. Only close members of both families are being invited. A close to 30 members will be attending the wedding. The wedding will take place at Suresh Babu’s house.
As the cases are on the rise in both the Telugu states and in Maharashtra, they have decided to keep the wedding a simple affair.
All social distancing norms will be in practice at the wedding and also masks are compulsory for entering. Hand Sanitizers will be kept here and there at the venue. Before the wedding, all the guests will be undergoing corona tests.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood