Anu Aggarwal became overnight queen after delivering her debut movie Aashiqui that achieved a cult status over the year. In this romantic entertainer film, she essayed the role of a young woman who was coy and didn’t know much about the worldly affairs but knew how to love someone with all her heart and soul.
After few years, she left Bollywood. Now, as Anu Aggarwal is gearing up for a Netflix series on her life, she talked about her Bollywood journey and facing casting couch in the film industry. Anu Aggarwal also opened up on the MeToo movement and claimed that at the end, “the girl is the boss.”
When Anu Aggarwal was asked if she ever had to face casting couch in the film industry, to which she replied , “Not really. But yes one top director had come to my house citing he has a role for me. The director came to my house and took out the whiskey bottle. He started drinking it on the pretext of telling me a script. I sensed something fishy and politely asked him to leave. I told him off. That is what I am trying to say, women always has the choice.”
Anu Aggarwal added that when she heard of the #MeToo movement, she thought that men have always been like that. Aashiqui girls aid ‘The guy will hit on girl’ and ‘the girl has to say yes for a guy to do anything with the girl.’
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood