After tasting success with the movie Chitralahari, Sai Dharam Tej is on a signing spree. It is known news that Sai Dharam Tej has also teamed up with Dev Katta for a social drama. The movie has also been launched with formal pooja ceremony by Pawan Kalyan. The sources say, “The upcoming film is a gritty social drama and Sai Dharam Tej plays an intense brooding character that will test his mettle as an actor.
It’s different from anything that he has ever attempted before.” Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Sai Dharam Tej is going to don the role of Doctor in his upcoming film but now the sources close to Dev Katta revealed that the supreme star is going to play the powerful role of IAS officer in this film.
Nivetha Pethuraj has been roped in this untitled film of Sai Dharam Tej. Ramya Krishna has also been roped in to play the role of the Chief Minister in the movie which is touted to be a political drama.
The film of Sai Dharam Tej was supposed to go on floors in the month of May but corona lockdown ruined all the plans of the makers. The movie will go on floors once the situation comes under control in Telangana.
Meanwhile he will be seen in Solo Brathuke So Better starring Nabha Natesh.
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