The controversial film maker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV, who thrives on making sensational films based on controversial incidents, announced that he will be making a film on actor-politician Pawan Kalyan, which is titled as Power Star. Now RGV is going to unveil the first look poster of the film Power Star today at 11:37 am.
This news is confirmed by Officer helmer himself on Twitter as he wrote, “Power Star first look poster will be unveiled in 2 hours 36 mints at 11.37 AM ..Any resemblance to any person is strictly coincidental.”
Even though Ram Gopal Varma is claiming that the film Power Star is “completely fictional and resemblances to any real people is coincidentally incidental”. The announcement poster of Power star has a tea glass symbol, which is Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena party’s election symbol.
While Ram Gopal Varma didn’t reveal any details about the film Power Star, but a source close to him revealed, “It will be a biopic on Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan and he will start shooting for it soon. The film Power Star is likely to showcase more on Pawan Kalyan’ personal life and his equation with his family and friends rather than on his film and political life.”
POWER STAR first look poster will be releasing in 2 hours 36 mints at 11.37 AM ..Any resemblance to any person is strictly coincidental
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) July 9, 2020
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