All eyes are on the upcoming season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss Telugu. Four heroines Priya Vadlamani, Yamini Bhaskar, Hamsa Nandini, and Shraddha Das names were heard to be on the list of participants, and now one more name added to the list. The sources say that Hushaaru and First Rank Raju fame actress Ramya Pasupuleti will also enter in Bigg Boss 4 Telugu house as a participant.
According to the latest buzz, once again Akkineni Nagarjuna is going to host the reality show. He has demanded a hike for this upcoming season but the team is paying the same as before.
Few are also saying that this time the show will be hosted by none other than young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda who is popular for Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam. The sources say that Bigg Boss 4 Telugu will kick start the proceedings by the end of August or in the first week of September. There is a delay in production due to the suspension of shootings, but the Bigg Boss show is not cancelled.
Currently, Ramya Pasupuleti is waiting for the release of her upcoming b*ld drama Commitment which also has Tejaswi Madivada and Anveshi Jain. Ice Cream girl Tejaswi Madiwada was part of the second season of Bigg Boss.
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