Mega Power Star Ram Charan is getting ready to start the shoot of his upcoming much awaited multilingual drama RRR, which is being helmed by SS Rajamouli. Everyone is aware of that Ram Charan is a fitness freak and he never misses out on his daily workout routine but yesterday he seems to be in a different mood. Rangasthalam star took to his Twitter to share his few pics from his workout session and his lazy mood is totally relatable. Ram Charan wrote, ‘Head say gym and Heart says hmmmm.”
In the first pic, Ram Charan is seen lying on the floor on a yoga mat with his hands stretched outside the mat. He is drenched in sweat and is sporting some shorts with a t-shirt and shoes. The background of the photograph is aesthetically pleasing and features many plants and one piece of exercise equipment. The next photograph features the selfie of Ram Charan in the same pose. And in the last photograph uploaded by the actor, viewers can see something quite similar to what they saw in the first pic. Ram is seen lying on the mat but has his hands on his head as if indicating his tiredness.
On the work front, It is also being heard that Ram Charan will be seen playing a cameo in Pawan Kalyan and Krish’ film.
Head say gym &
Heart says hmmmm…— Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) July 10, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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