Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu is showering praises on the German time travel series – Dark. The Bharat Ane Nenu and Maharshi star took to his Instagram and shared a review on Dark, “DARK!! Unbelievably conceived, written and executed. Recommend watching the original German version of Dark with English subtitles.”
Mahesh Babu also asked his fans and followers to watch this German series due to its exemplary content, and the idea behind this series. The Netflix series Dark is based in a German town Winden, where a time travel twist is added to the story which is focused on getting Jonas to fix the things which are terribly going in the wrong direction, in his timeline.
Dark is the streaming service’s first original German series, which means the entire show was filmed with German actors speaking German.
German drama Dark is on Netflix about time travel and confused teenagers. The series Dark has gained instant fame due to its story idea and the treatment given to the series. Three timelines which are so connected that it leaves the lives of people from Winden in mess, has enthralled the viewers.
Meanwhile on the work front, Mahesh Babu will be seen playing the lead role in upcoming movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata, under the direction of Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame.
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