It is known news that Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu has worked with Vamsi Paidipally for a movie Maharshi in which he shared the screen space with Pooja Hegde and it was a blockbuster at the box office. On the occasion of Vamsi Paidipally’ birthday, Mahesh Babu too to his microblogging page to send birthday wishes to Vamsi Paidipally. Maharshi star also shared a throwback photograph in which he is seen feeding a piece of cake with the director Vamsi.
Mahesh Babu also penned a heartfelt note and wished Vamsi on his birthday. He stated that he wants to see him happy and charming as always. Bharat Ane Nenu star said, “Happiest birthday director Vamsi Keep smiling and spread your charm as you always do. Wishing you good health, happiness and love always.”
After Maharshi, during an event, Mahesh Babu had openly announced that he would be teaming with Vamshi Paidipally again post Sarileru Neekevvaru. Though Vamsi prepared a script and narrated to Mahesh Babu after the release of Anil Ravipudi’ directorial venture. However, Mahesh Babu asked him to come up with a better version as he was not happy with the script.
Meanwhile Mahesh Babu is getting ready to resume the work of his upcoming film Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
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