Radha Krishna Kumar is best known for his directorial debut Jil, which was produced by UV Creations. He worked as an assistant director under filmmaker Chandra Sekhar Yeleti for the movies Anukokunda Oka Roju, Okkadunnadu, Prayanam, Sahasam. Currently Radha Krishna Kumar is working with Prabhas and Pooja Hegde for an upcoming film which is titled Radhe Shyam. Yesterday the makers unveiled the first look poster of this much hyped movie, that featured the romantic pose of Prabhas and Pooja Hegde. But amid these celebrations, the young director Radha Krishna Kumar has had an embarrassing moment.
Radhe Shyam helmer Radha Krishna Kumar took to Twitter and revealed that Instagram has blocked his account saying that he is pretending to be someone else. “Who is that someone?,”
Meanwhile few movie lovers are saying that they had reported Radha Krishna Kumar account since he was not giving any updates on Prabhas20 until recently. Few comments are as follows:
prabhas: Update isthalev ani ma fans anthe reports kottinam #RadheShyam
Fan girl of Darling: Twitter is confused between Radha Krishna & #RadheShyam
Prabhas Radhe Shyam: You’re pretending to be yourself Even @instagram can’t believe you gave an update#RadheShyam
Tharun Prabha: R u pretending like #Prabhas
Shraddha: Fans Tho Interact Avvandi Anna #RadheShyam
Fun fact of the day : Insta has blocked my account saying I’m pretending to be someone else who is that someOne
— Radha Krishna Kumar (@director_radhaa) July 10, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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