Vanitha Vijaykumar, the eldest daughter of actor Vijayakumar and actress Manjula, recently tied the knot for the third time with Peter Paul. Later the first wife of Peter Paul- Ellizabeth Helen, filed a case against him at Chennai Vadapalani Police Station. Elizabeth Helen has made some allegations against Peter, “I have two children with Peter Paul. We have been living separately for the past seven years due to some differences of opinion.
Peter Paul married Vanitha Vijaykumar without getting legally divorced from me.” After tying the knot with Peter Paul, Vanitha Vijaykumar started receiving hate messages and criticism after his first wife alleged that they are not divorced.
Recently a woman named Surya Devi posted videos abusing Vanitha Vijaykumar in Tamil and also threatened her. The former contestant of Bigg Boss Tamil 3 Vanitha Vijaykumar lodged a police complaint against her at the SRMC police station in Porur.
The actress Vanitha Vijaykumar also revealed that the lady is already under scanner for making abusive remarks against BJP leader Tamilisai Soundararajan and Tamil Nadu CM Edappadi K Palaniswami.
Vanitha Vijaykumar also said, “To all those who know nothing about what really happened and are finding so much joy in targeting me. First you have to realize it is also against law and inhuman to harass someone and put nasty vulgar comments.”
#CyberAttack #cyberbullying #harassment #Suicide_is_not_solution #SuicidePrevention #stopsocialmediabullying
— Vanitha Vijaykumar (@vanithavijayku1) July 9, 2020
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