Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s first release after his comeback would be courtroom drama Vakeel Saab, the Telugu remake of the hit Hindi film Pink in which Amitabh Bachchan played the lead role. The makers have added minor changes to the script to suit the sky-high commercial image of Pawan Kalyan. The makers of Vakeel Saab have struggled a lot to find out a leading lady for the power star. They have tried actresses like Ileana D Cruz, Pooja Hegde, Lavanya Tripathi before zeroing in on Shruti Haasan. From the past few days, there was a buzz that Shruti Haasan is being considered for Pawan Kalyan starrer ‘Vakeel Saab’ movie. But as per internal buzz, Gabba Singh girl Shruti Haasan is not part of the project, she opted out of the film due to some internal reasons.
Pawan Kalyan and Shruti have earlier collaborated for ‘Gabbar Singh’ and ‘Katamarayudu.’ Power Star fans are very excited to watch the duo on screen for the third time, but this is not going to happen now. Pawan starrer Vakeel Saab is a story about a Lawyer who decides to stand by three ladies who are deprived of Justice.
Helmed by MCA fame Venu Sriram, the courtroom drama is being produced jointly by Dil Raju and Boney Kapoor. Nivetha Thomas, Anjali, Ananya, and others are playing a crucial role.
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