Recently South beauty Shriya Saran interacted with her fans and made an announcement regarding her next project. Shriya Saran revealed that she is playing a crucial role in the upcoming movie RRR, which is being helmed by SS Rajamouli. She is playing a special cameo in Rajamouli’s most eagerly awaited pan-Indian film, RRR which has Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead role. Shriya Saran will make her screen presence in the flashback episode and will share the screen space with Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn. Shriya Saran was also asked about saying ‘one-word’ about top Tollywood stars like Power Star Pawan Kalyan, Young Rebel Star Prabhas, and Young Tiger Jr NTR.
Shriya Saran and Pawan Kalyan have worked together in the movie Balu, about him, she said “ Pawan Kalyan is a bookworm and he is also very silent on the sets.
About her Chatrapathi co-star Prabhas, Shriya Saran said that one could get lost looking at Young Rebel Star’s mesmerizing eyes. About Tarak, Shriya Saran said that it’s amusing to see a very ‘silent’ Jr NTR change so much now.
Meanwhile, Shriya Saran is eagerly waiting to join the sets of RRR, which stands for Roudram Ranam Rudhiram, which is being helmed by SS Rajamouli of Baahubali fame and is bankrolled by DVV Danayya and has the music by MM Keeravani.
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