Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput ended his life by committing suicide on Sunday has sent shockwaves not only in the Indian film industry but among his loyal fans as well. A line of thought has emerged where the people are reflecting on the brutal nature of the film industry. MS Dhoni fame Sushant Singh Rajput who was a complete outsider and made it on his own in the film world and yet for some reason took a drastic step to end his life. Mast Mast girl Raveena Tandon spoke up through social media recounting her personal experience of facing Film industry politics and how she dealt with it.
Bollywood beauty Raveena Tandon who was the reigning queen in the ‘90s and had several hits to her credit, said, “ Mean girl gang of the industry. Camps do exist in this film industry. Made fun of, been removed from movies by heroes, their girlfriends, journo chamchas, and their career-destroying fake media stories. Sometimes careers are destroyed. Fight back. Some survive Some don’t.”
KGF: Chapter 2 girl added, “When you speak the truth, you are branded a liar, mad, psychotic. Chamcha journos write pages and the pages destroying all the hard work that you might have done.”
Raveena Tandon concluded it by saying, “I love my industry, but yes, the pressures are high. There are also good people. Dirty politics happen everywhere.”
It is known news that earlier during an interview, Baahubali and Saaho fame Prabhas had revealed that he has a secret crush on Raveena Tandon.
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