Niharika Konidela, the daughter of actor and producer Nagendra Babu has found her life partner and he is Venkata Chaitanya Jonnalagadda, who hails from Guntur district. The official engagement ceremony will take place on 13th August, which will be attended by their family members and close friends. The wedding of Niharika and Chaitanya is likely to take place during Summer 2021.
Both Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya Jonnalagadda took to their social media sites and shared the pics of photoshoot, which are going viral on social media.
Chaitanya Jonnalagadda shared a romantic picture that sees Niharika Konidela kissing him. He wrote, “#Nischay”. Chaitanya works as a Business Strategist in a leading MNC in the city. His father, J Prabhakar Rao, is the Inspector General of Police in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. J Prabhakar Rao revealed, “It’s an arranged marriage and the kids don’t really know each other. We met their family last week and decided that the two of them are perfect for each other.”
Chaitanya Jonnalagadda went on to get a Master’s in Mathematics from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS Pilani), followed by an MBA from Indian School of Business .
Niharika Konidela has been quite active on social media during the lockdown and kept her fans entertained.
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