Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV took to Twitter late Tuesday and talked in favour of nepotism in the film industry. Sarkar helmer slammed those criticizing Bollywood producer and distributor Karan Johar for promoting the trend. Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide has led to a never-ending debate over the issue of nepotism in the Indian film industry and filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has come forward to speak in its favour.
Officer and Satya director Ram Gopal Varma took to Twitter to speak in support of Karan Johar who is being criticized on social media for fuelling the practice. Though some celebs were shocked by this trolling, but could not openly condemn it. How, Ram Gopal Varma, who knows well how to stay in limelight, took to Twitter to do it. RGV who had a fight with Karan Johar decided to stand by him.
Ram Gopal Varma said,” It is ridiculous to blame Karan Johar for Sushant Singh Rajput’s death.” He also spoke about nepotism and insider and outsider and tried to defend them in his unique way.
RGV said, “How politicians like Mulayam Singh Yadav, Uddhav, etc give sons, relatives first preference, Like how Dhirubhai will give all his money to Mukesh, Anil, Like how all families will give their own families first preference similarly Bollywood families do same. So where’s nepotism not there?”
Rama Gopal Varma added, “Blaming Karan Johar is ridiculous and just shows lack of understanding of how film industry works.”
It is known news that Karan Johar is one of the producers of Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Pandey starrer Fighter.
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