The model, dancer and actress Nidhhi Agerwal who rose to fame with the last year released blockbuster, iSmart Shankar in which she shared the screen space with young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni in the direction of Puri Jagannadh, is currently one of the busiest heroines in the South Indian film Industry. As all the shootings of the movie are stalled due to Corona lockdown, like other stars, Nidhhi Agerwal is spending her leisure time at home by doing various activities. Everyone is stuck indoors during this lockdown. Now according to the latest update, Nidhhi Agerwal has joined the PUBG bandwagon.
After posting a series of cooking and cake baking videos on her social media accounts, yesterday Nidhhi Agerwal revealed that nowadays she is playing PubG game. In her latest Twitter post, Nidhhi posted a video bite where the actress is seen playing PubG by relaxing on the bed. iSmart Shankar girl has become the latest to join the long list of actors and athletes who are hooked to the game PubG.
Her fans were quick to welcome Nidhhi Agerwal as a player and some went on to ask her for her game ID so they could join her for a game PubG. But the actress refused to give that.
Caught playing #pubg my new obsession
— Nidhhi Agerwal (@AgerwalNidhhi) May 15, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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