The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda has got a big support from none other than Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu. We have already reported that Vijay Deverakonda fired on few websites that published the fake articles against his newly launched trust ‘The Deverakonda Foundation’. Hurt by malicious reports about his charity activity, Arjun Reddy star reacted against certain websites. The young actor said it is time to kill fake news. Maharshi star Mahesh Babu is the first celebrity who lends his support to Vijay Deverakonda and condemned the baseless gossips.
After Mahesh Babu, other celebrities such as Anil Ravipudi, Vamsi Paidipally, Anil Sunkara, and Harish Shankar said it is time to stand united.
Finally Bharat Ane Nenu star has now joined hands with Vijay Deverakonda. He supported World Famous lover fame Vijay Deverakonda with a lengthy message, “It takes years of hard work, patience, passion and sacrifice to earn the respect of the people. Some faceless people are always ready to do anything for money, disrespects you, lies to readers and spreads the misinformation, only for their next paycheck.”
Mahesh Babu further said that he wanted to protest this beautiful Telugu Film Industry and his fans.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu will be seen in Parasuram’ directorial venture whereas Vijay Deverakonda is working for Fighter.
I stand by you brother @TheDeverakonda #KillFakeNews #KillGossipWebsites
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) May 4, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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