Megastar Chiranjeevi starrer upcoming film ‘Acharya’ was supposed to be Trisha Krishnan’ comeback vehicle to Telugu Film Industry after five years. But the 36-year-old actress Trisha took to social media and officially confirmed that she is backing off from Acharya owing to creative differences. Later the makers brought Kajal Aggarwal on the board to romance with Megastar Chiranjeevi in Acharya. Kajal Aggarwal will join the sets of Acharya once the Lockdown is over.
The sources close to the film unit say that Kajal Aggarwal and her character will bring good relief in the film Acharya in which Chiranjeevi is playing the lead role. Kajal Aggarwal’ role in Acharya has some fun elements along with some good emotional scenes. Mega Power Star Ram Charan is playing an extended cameo in this film, which is being helmed by Koratala Siva. Currently the makers are in the hunt for a heroine who will romance Ram Charan.
Due to coronavirus outbreak and the Indian government’ appeal to remain self-quarantine, the celebrities all across the country are confined to their houses for the past few days.
Kajal Aggarwal is hands full with a slew of big movies like Indian 2, Mosagallu, and an untitled project with Dulquer Salmaan, helmed by Brinda master.
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