The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is currently working for his upcoming action drama which is titled Fighter. Recently during the media interaction, Arjun Reddy star has said, “It is a pan-India action movie that will feature a lot of mixed martial arts and will be shot extensively in the next six months. Besides Mumbai, the makers will also be shooting in some foreign locations.” Now the shoot of Fighter has been halted due to coronavirus outbreak.
Vijay Deverakonda will be seen as a kick boxer in the film Fighter and sources say the movie will highlight the mother sentiment. The reports are also coming that Vijay Deverakonda will use a lot of cuss words in Fighter and this makes many hate his character on screen. Puri Jagannadh’ movies are also popular for the usage of cuss words.
Vijay Deverakonda starrer Fighter which has Ananya Pandey as leading lady, is presented by Dharma Productions, and jointly produced by Jagannadh, Karan Johar, and Charmme Kaur.
Vijay Deverakonda was last seen in World Famous Lover and the movie featured four female leads- Aishwarya Rajesh, Izabelle Leite, Catherine Tresa, and Raashi Khanna. World Famous Lover marked Aishwarya Rajesh and Izabelle Leite’s Telugu film debut.
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