The young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni has created a record on YouTube. Ram became the first South Indian actor to have 4 back-to-back films which are dubbed in Hindi and crossed over 100 million views on YouTube. The Hindi dubbed version of Ram Pothinei starrer action and romantic drama iSmart Shankar, clocked 100 million views to achieve this record feat.
Previously, Ram Pothineni starrer No 1 Dilwala (Vunnadi Okate Zindagi), Dumdaar Khiladi (Hello Guru Prema Kodame) and Super Khiladi 3 (Nenu Sailaja) were his other Hindi dubbed movies that clocked over 100 million views on YouTube.
His movies iSmart Shankar, Vunnadi Okate Zindagi, Hello Guru Prema Kosame and Nenu Sailaja have joined 100 million views club on YouTube.
On the work front Ram Pothineni was last seen in Puri Jagannadh’ directorial venture iSmart Shankar in which he shared the screen space with Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal, and the movie was turned out blockbuster at the box office.
Currently, Ram Pothineni is working for a thriller Red under Kishore Tirumala’s direction, which is being produced under the banner of Sri Sravanthi Movies. Red has Nivetha Pethuraj and Malavika Sharma in the female leads and it is remake of Tamil film Thadam.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood