Alia Bhatt happily agreed to be a part of SS Rajamouli’s next film RRR when it was offered. Alia Bhatt liked Rajamouli’s work and with no hesitation he signed the dotted line. She was paired opposite Ram Charan in the film where she plays the role of Seetha. When Alia Bhatt was about to join the sets of RRR in Pune, corona virus pandemic has made all the shootings to be postponed indefinitely. While there are speculations that Alia Bhatt will walk out of RRR due to lack of dates, she has made it clear that she will allocate dates to RRR first when the lock down gets lifted and permissions for shootings will be given.
Alia Bhatt apart from RRR is part of 4 prestigious Bollywood projects. She is going to have a tough time to allocate dates to all the films. Alia Bhatt needs to complete Brahmastra shoot which has Ranbir Kapoor in lead role. It is scheduled for December release and a small portion of hers needs to completed.
Alia Bhatt also has Karan Johar’s project which shooting needs to be commenced. She is also playing lead role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi. She also has Sadak 2 in pipe line which will be directed by Mahesh Bhatt.
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