Actor Sharwanand celebrates his birthday today. On the occasion of his birthday, a small glimpse from his upcoming movie Sreekaram got released. The movie is based on farming. 14 reels are the production house. The film is initially planned for April 25th release but still some scenes are to be canned.
Sharwanand is extremely disappointed with the result of his recent release Jaanu on which he pinned high hopes on. His recent three films are disasters and he is in need to score a super hit soon. However, it is already updated that Sharwa is currently in US cooling off from his recent disappointments. He needs to rejuvenate himself.
It is said that still there are 22 days of shoot left for the film and the next schedule of the film will start once he returns from the US. With so much of shoot left and Sharwa still to join the shoot, we can say that Sreekaram is ought to be postponed. It cannot find a spot in May as already the month is fully packed.
Sreekaram might release in the month of June. Apart from Sreekaram, Sharwanand has also started a Telugu – Tamil bilingual. Status on that film is not known at this point.
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