The young actor Sharwanand is celebrating his birthday today on 6th March. On this occasion, his next film is announced. Sharwanand starrer will be helmed by Kishore Tirumala and will be bankrolled by Sudhakar Cherukuri under the banner of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas. This is the first time, Sharwanand and Kishore Tirumala are going to work together for a project, whereas it is the second project of Hero with Sudhakar Cherukuri after romantic entertainer Padi Padi Leche Manasu.
The reports are coming that the makers are planning to rope Fidaa fame Sai Pallavi on the board to play the female lead in Sharwanand starrer. It is known news that in the past, both have worked together for Padi Padi Leche Manasu, which was bombed at the box office but the performance of the lead pair was highly appreciated.
The sources say Kishore Tirumala is making a light-hearted romantic comedy with Sai Pallavi and Sharwanand. Currently, Kishore Tirumala is busy with the post-production of the upcoming Telugu thriller Red starring the young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni.
Meanwhile, Sai Pallavi is currently shooting for two films- Love Story and Virata Parvam. On the other side, Sharwanand is waiting for the release of village-based drama Sreekaram.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood