SS Rajamouli is currently working with Young Tiger Jr NTR and Mega Power Star Ram Charan for upcoming big budget movie RRR, which is based on Pre-Independence era. The shoot of DVV Danayya’ production venture RRR aka Roudram Ranam Rudhiram has been halted due to Coronavirus outbreak. The Celebrities across the film industries have adopted various ways to cope with the 21 days lockdown period. According to the latest update, the team of RRR has donated a huge number of PPE -Personal Protective Equipment face masks, gloves and other protective gear to the cop and healthcare workers who have been working to keep the virus from spreading.
Recently during an interview, Baahubali film maker and RRR director SS Rajamouli confirmed that the makers along with the team members have contributed personal protective equipment to the police and health care units who have been going out of their way to save the lives amid coronavirus crisis.
The celebrities from Tollywood, Bollywood and Kollywood have pledged to support and make a donation to the Prime Minister relief fund as well as the state government.
Few days ago the makers of RRR released the motion poster of the film to treat their fans. RRR is story of two fictional freedom fighters Alluri Sitarama Raju, and their battle against British Raj and Nizam of Hyderabad.
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