Bengaluru actress Nidhhi Agerwal won millions of hearts with her look and performance skills in action entertainer drama Ismart Shankar in which the young and talented actor Ram Pothineni played the lead role. Now according to the latest update, the young beauty Nidhhi Agerwal has bagged a biggie. It is known news that Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is busy with a couple of projects, and one of them is with director Ramesh Varma of Rakshasudu fame. Nidhhi Agerwal has been roped in an upcoming action entertainer in which she will share the screen space with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja.
Apparently, the upcoming film will feature another heroine since Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja will be essaying dual roles in the movie. Another actress is yet to be finalized. The shoot of this film will be started in the month of May. Ravi Teja and Nidhhi Agerwal starrer will be bankrolled by Satyanarayana Koneru. The sources say that the upcoming film is a complete entertainer as Ravi Teja did not want to experiment more.
On the other side, currently, Ravi Teja is busy in the shoot of his action drama Krack, which is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of Gopichand Malineni, which has Shruti Haasan in the female lead.
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