The young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni is currently shooting for his upcoming action drama Red. The film an official remake of Kollywood flick Thadam, where Ram Pothineni will be seen in a dual role. Nabha Natesh is on the board to play the female lead role in the movie, which is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of Kishore Tirumala. Few days ago, the makers released the teaser, which got a positive response from the audience. According to the latest update, the makers are planning to release the first song from the film Red which is titled Nuvve Nuvve.
The first single from Ram Pothineni starrer Red will be out on 6th March at 5pm. The makers of Red have confirmed the same by releasing a new poster on twitter.
Red is being produced by Sravanthi Ravi Kishore and the music is composed by Mani Sharma whereas the cinematography is handled by Sameer Reddy, and stunts by Peter Hein. Malvika Sharma and Amrita Aiyer are also the part of Red. Nivetha Pethuraj is playing the role of police official whereas Malavika Sharma will be seen as a girl-next-door. Ram Pothineni starrer is slated to hit the theaters on 9th April, 2020 release.
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