It is known that Power Star Pawan Kalyan is shooting for two movies simultaneously. First he has started shooting for Pink remake which is titled Vakeel Saab. First look of the movie got recently released and got tremendous response. Currently Vakeel Saab shooting is going at a brisk pace at Annapurna 7 acres in a specially erected court room set up. Krish project shoot too got started and a small schedule was completed.
However Pawan Kalyan till now hasn’t joined the sets yet. That first schedule was shot without Pawan Kalyan. As per the latest update Pawan is going to give break to Vakeel Saab shoot and join Krish’s movie shoot from March 8th. Latest schedule of this movie will start at Aluminium factory in Hyderabad where special sets were erected.
Krish’s project is a periodic drama set up in the time lines of Aurangzeb and it is said that Pawan Kalyan will be seen in the role similar to that of robin hood. Kohinoor diamond is an important part of the movie. This schedule will last for about two weeks and then Pawan will again juggle to Vakeel Saab shoot. After the completion, he will continue shooting for Krish’s movie.
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