Natural Star Nani attended the pre release event of upcoming Telugu film Jaanu in which he will be seen sharing the screen space with Sharwanand. Nani graced the event as Chief Guest. On this occasion Sharwanand showered praises of Nani and revealed his first meeting.
Sharwanand took to mic and said, “I just wrapped up the shoot of Gamyam and Nani completed his romantic movie Ashta Chemma. We met in Saradhi Studios and we still are continuing our friendship.” Sharwanand also revealed that they also went to many trips.
Sharwanand and Samantha showered praises on each other during the pre release event of Jaanu. Sharwa said that Samantha was a finest actress of South Indian Film Industry. On the other side, Samantha thanked Sharwa for being his Ram in this upcoming film Jaanu, which is a remake of Tamil film 96 starring Trisha Krishna and Vijay Sethupathi.
The romantic movie Jaanu is directed by C Prem Kumar and is produced by Dil Raju on his Sri Venkateswara Creations whereas the music is composed by Govind Vasantha.
Meanwhile Nani will be seen in upcoming film V, helmed by Mohana Krishna Indragranti. Apart form V, Nani is also the part of family drama Tuck Jagadish.
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