Amala Paul, the bold and beautiful actress has shared the screen space with Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Nayak and Stylish Star Allu Arju in Iddarammayilato. Amala Paul’ talent in acting field cannot be denied and she is one of the talented actresses of the South Indian Film Industry. Apart from her movies, Amala Paul’ personal life was also the hot topic of discussion when she and director AL Vijay decided to part ways. Now AL Vijay’ father AL Azhagappan made shocking revelations about the divorce of AL Vijay and Amala Paul. Recently in an interview, AL Azhagappan, opened up about his side of the story. He reveled that Dhanush, the son in law of Rajinikanth was the reason for Vijay and Amala Paul’s divorce.
AL Azhagappan said that Amala Paul was the one who decided to never act in the movies after the wedding. However, when Dhanush offered her ‘Amma Kanakku’ through his production banner, she immediately gave her nod. This acted as a stimulus to AL Vijay and Amala Paul’ divorce.
AL Azhagappan’ comments on Dhanush has become the talk of town. This is not the first time AL Azhagappan has spoke about Vijay and Amala Paul’ separation. Azhagappan earlier said that Amala Paul’ obsession towards the film was the reason for the divorce.
On the work front, Amala Paul is currently busy with films like Ado Andha Paravai Pola, Aadu Jeevitham, Cadaveer, which are in different production stages. She is also the part of Lust Stories remake in Tollywood.
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