Power Star Pawan Kalyan has started the shoot of his upcoming untitled film, which is being helmed by Krish of Gauthamiputra Satakarni fame. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Pawan Kalyan has got the looks right for Krish’ directorial venture, and he has decided to wear a wig like his brother Megastar Chiranjeevi did for his previous drama Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy to sport the long hair. As it is a periodic drama, Pawan Kalyan will also be seen wearing king like long costume. This is the first time Gabbar Singh star is going to act in a period drama.
The sources say that the makers are planning to rope foreign action choreographers to take care of action episodes. This time, Power Star will be seen working with foreign action choreographers.
Anchor turned Anasuya Bharadwaj has been roped in Krish’ directorial venture to play the crucial role. The sources say that Anasuya Bharadwaj will have a role which has a screen time of half an hour. But, the length of the role did not bother her as the role is said to be very significant to the story line of the movie.
On the otherside, Pawan Kalyan will also be seen playing the lead role in upcoming film which will be directed by Harish Shankar and bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
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