Natural Star Nani and Sudheer Babu are working together for an upcoming much-awaited film V, which is helmed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti. The makers have already wrapped up the entire shoot of V and currently it is in the post-production stage. Recently the makers released the teaser of V, which went viral and grabbed several eyeballs. Now according to the latest update, the makers of V have roped Bollywood sound designer Bishwadeep Chatterjee to supervise the sound design of V.
Bishwadeep Chatterjee is a sound designer, sound editor, and audio mixer. Chatterjee won the National Film Award for Best Audiography four times for the movies Madras Cafe, Bajirao Mastani, Uri: The Surgical Strike and Children of the Soil. Bishwadeep Chatterjee is also the Member of The Oscar Academy’s Class of 2018 and now he has joined the team of Nani and Sudheer Babu starrer V.
The sources close to the film unit of V revealed that the sound effects and Atmos mix of Mohana Krishna Indraganti’s directorial venture is going to provide a new experience for the audience.
Apart from Nani and Sudheer Babu, the film V has Aditi Rao Hydari and Nivetha Thomas in the female leads, which is being bankrolled by Dill Raju and is gearing up for grand release in the month of March.
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