Jaanu starring Samantha Akkineni and Sharwanand are gearing up for the grand release on this Friday. The expectations are very high on this film as this is the first time Samantha is working with Sharwanand. The movie Jaanu has completed the censor formalities and received U certificate from the censor board. The latest news is that the film Jaanu’ runtime is locked for 2 hours 30 minutes. The movie is helmed by Prem Kumar and is produced by Dil Raju on his Sri Venkateswara Creations whereas the music is composed by Govinda Vasantha. Samantha and Sharwanand starrer Jaanu has Varsha Bollamma in a key role.
Recently during the media interaction, Samantha Akkineni revealed that she had initially rejected the offer when producer Dil Raju approached her for the Telugu remake. Oh Baby actress said, “When the producer Dil Raju approached me first for 96 remake, I rejected the film and said that I can’t do it. But, thank you Dil Raju sir for asking me the second time. I feel that I should talk less before it’s release. But, I am sure I’ll take more about Jaanu after 7th February.”
Jaanu is Telugu remake of the evergreen Tamil romantic drama 96, which stars Vijay Sethupathi and Trisha Krishnan.
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