The romantic and comedy movie Bheeshma starring the young actor Nithiin and Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna has completed the censor formalities. The movie Bheeshma has received clean U certificate from the censor board and now it is gearing up for grand release on this Friday i.e 21st February. After a long time, a Telugu film received clean U certificate and without any cuts recommended by censor board officials. The makers have locked the run time of 2:20 hours for Bheeshma.
Nithiin’ presence, Rashmika Mandanna’s glamour quotient, comedy and their Chemistry are said to be the highlights of Bheeshma. This is the first time, Nithiin is sharing the screen space with Karnataka Crush Rashmika Mandanna in a Telugu movie.
The sources close to the makers of revealed that Nithiin starrer Bheeshma has come out quite well and will be high on comedy. The movie is directed by Venky Kudumula, who started his career with Chalo starring Naga Shauray and Rashmika Mandanna, and the upcoming film Bheeshma marks his second directorial venture. It is produced by Suryadevara Nagavamsi under the banner of Sithara Entertainments with Mahati Swara Sagar handling music composition.
On the other side, the young actor Nithiin is set to enter wedlock in the month of April and it’s an arranged-cum-love marriage for them.
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