Pooja Hegde is also active in Bollywood and currently she is basking in the glory of her recent offering , the Telugu family entertainer movie Ala Vaikunthapurramloo in which she shared the screen space with Stylish Star Allu Arjun in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. Recently Fashion designer Manish Malhotra posted the BTS of Filmfare Awards as he shared a picture of Bhumi Pednekar, Alia Bhatt and Pooja Hegde dressed to the nines for the award ceremony. In this pic, all the three actresses were seen wearing thigh-high slits. Manish Malhitra came up with an interesting caption, “legs, legs, legs.” DJ beauty Pooja Hegde also posted the same pic on her microblogging page as said, “Why not?! Since this year has been all about my leg”.
Now the movie lovers and her fans are saying that Pooja Hegde is referring to Allu Arjun’s obsession with her legs in the movie Ala Vaikunthapurramloo.
On the work front, currently Pooja Hegde is sharing the screen space with Akhil in Most Eligible Bachelor, which is being directed by Bommarilu Bhaskar and bankrolled by Bunny Vas and Vasu Varma under the banner of Geetha Arts 2 Pictures, whereas the music of the film is composed by Gopi Sunder.
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