SS Rajamouli who has turned Baahubali into national pride has been busy with the shoot of RRR from almost a year. The film features Ram Charan and NTR in lead roles and both the actors are playing Alluri SeethaRama Raju and Komaram Bheem in the movie. RRR is a fictional periodic drama. Makers of RRR has already made it clear that the film is going to release in almost 10 languages.
Bollywood stars Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt are a part of the movie and British stage artist Olivia Morris is playing another important character. The movie was initially scheduled for release in the month of July this year. However delay in the shoot has caused to postpone the release. Makers have recently announced that RRR will release on January 8th, 2021. As it is Sankranthi eve, analysts doubt whether RRR will get a solo release in other languages.
There is no question in Telugu states as mostly no body will release their movie opposite RRR. But especially in Hindi it is a worrying aspect as a huge budget flick like RRR needs enough space at box office. However primary reports are that Bollywood film makers who have initially scheduled their releases for Sankranthi are now postponing their flicks by at least two weeks.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood