Bollywood beauty Deepika Padukone dropped the first look of herself as Romi Dev in her upcoming film ’83 in which she is sharing the screen space with Ranveer Singh. 83, directed by Kabir Singh revolves around the story of India’s historic World Cup win in 1983 under the captaincy of Kapil Dev, played by Ranveer Singh.
Deepika Padukone is playing Romi Dev in 83. Coming on the first look poster of 83, Ranveer Singh is seen as Kapil Dev and Deepika Padukone as Romi stand beside each other with a million-dollar smile on their faces. Deepika Padukone’s short bob haircut stole the spotlight on the Internet. Padmaavat fame Deepika Padukone looks stunning as Romi Dev in a black turtle neck tee paired with a beige colored skirt while Ranveer Singh looks just like the former cricketer in a Team India blazer. He wore a white shirt paired with a tie and the official Indian captain blazer.
In the past, Deepika Padukone has worked with Ranveer Singh on larger-than-life movies such as Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani, and Padmaavat. Recently during an interview, Deepika revealed that she doesn’t have many scenes in ’83 and she signed the project as the role gave her an opportunity to explore the personal side of Kapil Dev and Romi Dev.
“To play a small part in a film that captures one of the most iconic moments in sporting history has been an absolute honour!83 for me is an ode to every woman who puts her husband’s dream before her own…” #ThisIs83
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) February 19, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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