Vijayashanti who is fondly known as lady super star and lady amitabh is giving her re entry to silver screen with the film Sarileru Neekevvaru. In this film it is reported that she has given a power packed performance. She will donning the role of a professor named Bharathi and it is said that the entire second half revolves around her. The combination scenes between Mahesh Babu and Vijayashanti are said to be the highlights of the movie.
The actress is making her comeback after 13 years and it is said that Anil Ravipudi has tried hard to bring her on board. Actually Anil Ravipudi tried to bring her back with the film Raja The Great, but the actress denied. But now she has accepted. What is the reason behind that? It is said that Vijayashanti has two conditions before signing any film. First it must not be a mother character or any guest role without any substance. Her character should have utmost importance after that of hero and villain.
Second one is the remuneration. Vijayshanti is demanding a huge sum of amount, not even few top heroines dare to even quote. If any film maker is okay with these two conditions, then Vijayashanti will give her nod after hearing the script. The actress is in no hurry to cash in the craze and do many movies. She is taking it one by one.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood