Right after the Diwali releases, there is nothing much left at box office. For Diwali too, only Tamil movies released. Whistle starring Vijay and Khaidi starring Karthi raked in good numbers. But after that Tollywood has gone into slump and theaters have found it very difficult to maintain. Even a top producer like Suresh Babu who is also a distributor has said that it was even hard to pay the electricity bills of the theater with the revenue released movies are generating, forget about maintenance costs. In November, all the movies failed to even sustain for even a day except for Nikhil’s Arjun Suravaram which was released by November end. Though the film turned out to be a hit, it did not turned the tables upside down at the box office.
Again December 1st week is a big disappointment. But Venky Mama which was released last weekend turned out to be a golden goose for all the money involving parties. Theaters turned house fulls after a very long time and the total Tollywood which is going through some slump got the much needed push. Venky Mama collected 45 Crores gross worldwide. The film still needs to collect more as the stakes are high for the film.
Coming weekends are going to be more exciting for Tollywood, as many biggies and promising movies are hitting the box office. On December 20th, Pratiroju Pandage, Ruler, Donga and Dabangg 3 are releasing, while on December 25th Iddari Lokam Okate and Mathu Vadalara will be seeing the light. Hope Tollywood continues its winning streak.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2YRFHsE