Jhanvi Kapoor, the daughter of producer Boney Kapoor and late actor Sri Devi, is on the board to share the screen space with the Arjun Reddy star Vijay Devarakonda in an upcoming action and romantic drama Fighter, which will be directed by Temper and iSmart Shankar fame Puri Jagannadh, say sources. Though there is no official word on it yet, sources say that Karan Johar is going to present the Hindi version of Fighter starring Vijay Devarakonda and Jhanvi Kapoor. Everyone is eager to know what will be Janhvi Kapoor’ remuneration for this upcoming film Fighter of Vijay Deverakonda starrer.
The sources close to the film unit revealed that Janhvi Kapoor is going to get around Rs 3.5 Crore remuneration to share the screen space with Vijay Deverakonda in Fighter.
The film Fighter will mark the debut of Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor in South. Jhanvi Kapoor’s late mother Sridevi started her career in South Indian movies and attained stardom before shifting her base to Bollywood. The legendary actress wished to see her daughter work in Tamil and Telugu films. Finally Janhvi Kapoor in on the board to play the female lead in South movie Fighter for which she is going to get Rs 3.5 Cr remuneration.
Janhvi Kapoor is also the fan of Vijay Deverakonda and in the past, she has expressed her desire to work with rowdy boy Vijay Deverakonda. Very soon the official announcement regarding the inclusion of Janhvi Kapoor’ in Vijay Deverakonda’ film fighter will be made. The regular shoot of Puri Jagannadh’s directorial venture is expected to commence from the month of January.
The sources say that when Karan Johar suggested Janhvi Kapoor’ name to Puri Jagannadh and he narrated the script to her and got her nod . Puri Jagannadh and Karan Johar are planning to release Fighter starring Vijay Deverakonda and Janhvi Kapoor starrer during summer 2020.
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