Rashi Khanna, the sulty siren, made her debut in Tollywood with the film Oohalu Gusagusalaade which has been a successful venture. That film bought Rashi a couple of offers. Though the actress has acted with the likes of Jr NTR, Raviteja, and Sai Dharam Tej, the actress couldn’t make it big in the industry. The actress is still struggling to make it big. But it looks like, 2020 can be hers. After Tholiprema success, Rashi Khanna has only done Srinivasa Kalyanam in Telugu. After that, the actress got herself busy in Kollywood. After doing a couple of movies there, Tollywood has again called her back.
Rashi Khanna is now the trending actress in Tollywood. She played as one of the female lead in the movie Venky Mama which is churning out good collections. In a couple of days, her other film Pratiroju Pandaage opposite Sai Dharam Tej is hitting the screens. In February next year, her movie with Vijay Deverakona, World Famous Lover, there are three other actresses playing the female lead is releasing. But it is said that Rashi Khanna’s role has more importance than that of others.
With these three movies, Rashi Khanna is sure that top stars will start considering her. Apart from acting, Rashi Khanna can dub for her role too and she is an amazing singer. Her song from Pratiroju Pandaage has been getting a good response. With more attributes, Rashi Khanna is looking like a bright prospect in Tollywood in the near future.
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